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MONICA ROBINS MUSIC Bands That Rock Your World
Deke Kumler - Drums - The Whiskey Kings & Ninja Cowboys

Drumming came to me early in life listening to my brother bashing away on his kit up in the attic of our home when I was about 8 years old. When he wasn’t bashing them I was, playing along to a virtual soundtrack that seemed to loop continuously in my head. Ive been playing in bands since that time winning the middle school talent contest, playing bars while underage in high school and finally getting into working bands with talented, creative members.
To the artists I have played with past and present, thanks for allowing me to be part of your vision. To the people who come out and see us, thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives.
Deke Plays:
Sonor Drums / Paiste Cymbals / Evans / Vater / Trick / Pearl Hardware / Porter & Davies

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